The Mason's Bend Community Center is located in the center of the small town in Alabama on land donated by the late Mr. Harris. A small group of rural studio thesis students designed and built the center based on the community’s needs. The site features a transportation stop for the county-funded mobile library and mobile health center as well as an outdoor gathering space. The site’s main draw however is the small chapel. This chapel serves the local prayer group and is used to serve free school meals to children in the summer. The chapel’s walls are made from compacted earth that contains clay, cement and water. a rested metal drip edge sits on top of the walls, matching them in hue. The structure’s most sticking feature is the aluminum and glass roof. Which uses salvaged car windshields found in a Chicago scrap yard, the windshields and the aluminum sheets are attached to a metal frame.

Cost: $15,000 (majority of materials are reused + little labor cost incurred)

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